
Friday, March 28, 2014

Rio De La Sciocco

Name :Rio De La Sciocco

Alias.  : The Fool King,

Yes, my self Rio De La Sciocco, neck deep immersed in the foolish things. The name reminds me of a scientific pattern of olden days, where first name was given name by parents and the title corresponded to the name of town they came from, or to the type of trade they belonged. Someone from fatehpur would get a title fatehpuria, or a person belonging to jewellary trade would be called Sarraf etc. etc.

Now this name means a lot to me as it has all my traits inbuilt and I am always comfortable with it. 

If I go by this logic that the one who knows he is a fool is the one only clever, then you you all can understand what I am driving you all at. 

This is inspired by a topic, by Narasimha Sharma Vetturi, at indispire, #WhatsInAName


  1. Hi Rio, i came across your blog intersted in making you a question regarding palm reading, double head lines, sister headline or broken headline...thats the question. I like your name btw :), is it posible we can talk about this? thanks a lot, blessings. My email is

    1. Thanks Anar, for such nice comment here and a query. I have emailed you. You can delete your email id from comment now.

  2. Yeah full agree with you, Rio.The first line especially was an awesome start.


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