Posted by : RioZee Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This was a lot inspiring theme. This unique chirague was gifted to me by my father in law, and lay unused. It's age is uncertain and has some inscriptions in urdu or pharasi language on it.

This chirague must have lightened some home 1000's of years ago. Today it was lit after decades in my home ceremoniously.

{ 16 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Aribbas... ye to Aladdin ka hi ho sakta hai!

  2. Oh my goodness, I thought you were joking. Love that pic and the chirag too!
    Tomorrow's theme is Distance, I'm excited about your take on it.

  3. :D this is one antique thing...What a precious possession!

  4. Excellent photos! I wish I too had some antiques with me. :)

  5. Love it Rio...Snaps and chirag both...Do you have a jeanie also :D :D

  6. Chirag is nice!! I also loved the potted plants in the bg!

  7. interesting to see such antique lamp. btw, how do you keep the candle in that small hole? wonder if it falls.. nice snaps :)

    1. @a Rat, it contains oil in it and at the end it has a cotton bati, which can burn whole night, when full of oil.


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