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Posted by : RioZee
Monday, March 14, 2011
In the month of February 1980 a peculiar incident had happened in the spiritualistic realm. Saint Thomas Aquinas, who had been dead 700 years ago was speaking via a channeler’s body as host to enlighten the world.
The words that came out through the channeler are thus:
“The one desire of the spirit world is to progress towards the truth,” the saint says,” that ultimate truth being the infinite mind of God itself. It is the one desire of the spirit that is within each and everyone of you. The physical vessel carries that spirit which is you, and is unique to you, and individual to you. But it has that same desire, and that is to progress constantly, always, towards the highest truth, and in so doing to ultimately unite itself with God from which it was created.” The spirit of Saint Thomas Aquinas paused for a moment and then added “Simple, isn’t it?”
The above citation is from “Spirit Summonings” chapter one, page 19, of Time life books inc.
What a beautiful illustration for makind.