Posted by : RioZee Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Change : ohh !! how earnestly people desire change but none take steps towards the change.

We  can talk endlessly about change but nothing will change if each one tries and bring change in themselves.
One sees a banana peel on the road,  and moves on,  cursing the careless anonymous person responsible and blaming everyone, but himself.
No change will emnate until we start stooping to pickup and put it in dustbin.
One see's some miscreants teasing passing girls, and hastily passes by, again cursing the system. If we really want change, each one has to open eyes and start by changing oneself and see the immense
power that lies dead within,  that can really change the universe.
I salute the efforts of Isb idiya for their sincere move towards change. 

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Very well said. This is the problem with the youth today! They ask for change but are not ready to change themselves...

  2. Well put sirji.. Change is what people want. but they don't want to change themselves or be the agents that will bring about the change. They just want to one day wake up and "woosh".. find everything changed

  3. Couldn't agree more. Quite often (or almost always) we preach or expect others to change but rarely take a chance to initiate change in ourselves. You are right to say that change can be bring about from within. Thanks for sharing this insight!


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