Posted by : RioZee Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A small incidence that happened an hour ago. As per daily routine I give bread crumbs to stray dogs at night, in front of my home. A puppy and a big dog came running at the gate. The puppy jumped up to catch the mouth of the dog, and God knows what transpired between them, in the brief second.

I distributed the crumbs evenly to both of them. To my utter dismay, thd big dog saw the crumbs and sacrificed his platter for the puppy. The look at his face was really saintly. I could feel his utter desire to savor the crumbs, and the resistance and utter satisfacton at puppy having full fill.

Strange are the ways of almighty.

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. it's all about 'being human' you know...

  2. Awww...this clearly shows the animal world is more compassionate than us!

  3. Your last line says it all.. strange are the ways of the Almighty.


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