Posted by : RioZee Sunday, March 3, 2013

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37; the thirty-seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Truth is stranger than fiction"
I have been in search of truth since time immemorial. 
I can vividly recollect  my days with Lord Buddha. He too was a seeker and me too, fascinated by his zeal for truth search, had grouped with him along with other colleagues.
How can I forget the day, Buddha had enjoined with supreme energy to become one under the Mahabodhi tree. We were staunch seekers of truth and adhered to all rules of abstinence. My colleagues, including me, had failed to see the inner light of Lord Buddha, and seeing him accepting offerings from the hands of a lady, we had parted ways. 
How can I forget, the aura and the kindness of Lord Buddha, to have searched for us, and tried to guide us through the maze of search.
I shiver at the furor of learned  scholars, thinking of it as an attack on their set structure of faith and belief. The task was immense, but he had taken on it unflinchingly, as if he would live forever. 
I could feel the aroma of energy abounding me in his presence. 
I was witness to days of struggle of quest of truth, along with Lord Buddha. This ego used to bolster in me every now and then, when people inquired of his earlier routine of his day to day activities.

I remember very well the initiation on prince "Shrone" into bhikshuhood. He was a pure specimen of leisure and always under the influence of much coveted "sura and sundari". Sura was a preparation people of these days can only dream of it. I am not going to divulge the recipe here. 
There had been strong dissent from us learned ones. I had warned him of the bad name this kind of thing would give to our organization. He had bluntly said, "had you put in one tenth of the energy you  are wasting on dissent, to see the light within yourself, you could do wonders. I see him to be a lot-lot better than you, and he may find the inner light before many of you people.

It was only some days later that prince Shrone had seeked a weird of the weirdest permission at Lord Buddha's feet. He had been invited to spend the entire period of four months "chaturmas" by Amrapali , the famous nagarvadhu, at her home.
We had waited with abated breath and I had gripped on my stick, ready to pound and strike at him with all vengeance. I couldn't believe my ears. We all were just stunned to hear, not only his approval, but his blessings too. 
I dreaded the look of smirk from people while asking the alms from that day on. I freakingly asked myself "why am I continuing to be a part of this. " I had left my astoundingly beautiful and committed wife, in search of the "so called truth". When this lousy nut is permitted to all the vicious pleasures, why am I strictly adhering to the much hyped brahmacharya.

Did I continue in the revered Ashrama, after hearing that "if I had seeked such permission, he would have refused." 

My super interesting autobiography ( I am fueling my ego again), can fill endless volumes, as you can see the endless rebirths after births that , I have been honored with abundantly. 

Only last night Lord Buddha had come again in my dream and said, "I am still waiting for you my friend,"

This again flunelled my ego into another stream.   

The truth is stranger than fiction, my dear friends. Judge for yourselves, the inner trauma, putting yourselves in my shoes.
If you wish to know more of me and my revelations, don't feel shy to put forward your sincere views. I do not mind any rough words too just in case you wish to show me my true place.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By:Snuffles Jay , Participation Count: 4
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{ 27 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Nice one!! Had not heard of this story! Thanks

  2. One of my colleagues, a staunch and outspoken atheist (to the extent of often being offensive to religious people), once had the opportunity of meeting the Dalai Lama. The next day, he took me aside, and confessed with tears in his eyes, that whether or not God existed, there was divinity in the world, and he had witnessed it first-hand in the Dalai Lama. When the Dalai Lama touched his head in blessing, he felt a rush of electricity go through his entire body, and he felt as though the very fibre of his being had been exposed and cleansed. He said that since then he had been imbibed with a sense of peace and fulfillment unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life.

    I don't know the tenets of Buddhism, or how to attain enlightenment, but I do think Lord Buddha had unparalleled wisdom and those who can apply that wisdom to their lives achieve divinity, like the Dalai Lama.

    An interesting read, Rio.

    Besties for BAT!

    Mixi (My BAT Entry)

    1. thanks mixie, i am really overwhelmed. I had opportunity to sit under mahabodhi tree. The divine aura I felt there was really really undescribable. The guide said that a king's wife had got the mahabodhi tree destroyed, when king had started drawn towards buddhism. present mahabodhi tree is clone of mahabodhi tree that had been sent to srilanka. when I was in deep trance and woken by my wife to hasten up, I understood the worry of king's wife.

  3. that was interesting one....the human ego keeps getting the push
    ATB for BAT
    do drop in at:
    - Don't Whine

  4. Time immemorial we have had enlightened souls like the The Buddha who led the world of being a karma yogi with values. If only we could imbibe a per cent of their teachings this world will be a blessed place to live in!

  5. that was thoughtful indeed...truth...ego...preaching...lord budhdha...reminds me of my home town :D.....and lovely framing indeed

  6. As a person who is a staunch believer of Almighty , i feel offended when atheists blurt out against the existence of God. Standing firm in ones belief is one thing , and mocking the belief's of others is yet another . People need to learn not to hurt other's sentiments .

    Thought provoking post !

    1. Maliny, It is like everyone to himself. That what is, will remain. I myself have seen a poor neighbor, staunch in his beliefs, (must have made some infuriating comment on a bus, when that community prople area came, they pulled him down and was battered well. He remained six months on bed rest.
      People must be careful in utterings.
      I hope I didn't offend anyone.

  7. Loved this sentence.."...had you put in one tenth of the energy you are wasting on dissent, to see the light within yourself, you could do wonders. I see him to be a lot-lot better than you, and he may find the inner light before many of you people..." Brilliant!!

    The starting point for the goal is that God himself calls humans to be His stewards.Theory, experience and reflection is all closely interrelated...lovely blog! ATB for BAT!!:))

  8. Hmm... I must say that the idea ,the thought here is worth the envy ..Words of Wisdom (Lord Buddha's preachings)are to be absorbed in life ..then only you can feel the change..Different take altogether..

  9. All the Best for BAT ,Pramod ji..

  10. Very interesting story .. the dilemma could be of anyone and everyone of us ..

  11. You are taking births and rebirths because you leaved him and remain devoid of Moksha. Very nice read

  12. The word Buddha makes us to transform into purity of kindness and control of mind. I used o roam in forests in search of truth(I got one of the dream). The revival of life is what you transmitted from your post. Good luck for BAT 37


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