Posted by : RioZee Monday, July 1, 2013

This is a part of PADE initiative.  JULY 1 topic Alone.
This picture was taken by me, of the Sun, thinking it to be carrying all his duties all alone, and this camera shy sun ran away from the lens of camera.

{ 7 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. hahaha. Something like that happenned to me yesterday. I was in Jeju (an island) for a vacation and went 182 meters at 5am for sunrise, we saw the sun at 4 o clock in the evening. The sun didnt run away, it just didnt rise for us :(

    1. It is true that if we long for something, very much of patience is needed at times.

    2. Thanks for appreciation.@ritu.

  2. I am still scratching my head over this Rio!

  3. Well, this is truth, and sheer true blank click from iphone of sun.


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