Posted by : RioZee Sunday, August 23, 2015

He came, she went,

She came, he went.

She knew him well, that's why,

He knew nothing, that's why.

God knowing well , the doom,

Enjoyed playing the prank, the bloom.

He did meet her , to everyone's pleasure,

Everyone too, never wanted their displeasure.

He and she became one,

Though they were two, not one.

He wanted to sit on couch all day,

She wanted to shop all day.

God was enjoying the game,

The kicks, the ball, intervals & the goal,

Kicking on everything, out of goal.

He and she both had become one, Monsieurs,

So who the hell, could make them two,Mademoiselles.

Friends foes and countrymen,

All beings along with countrywoman.

Carry this to greater length by comments,

Syncing and rhyme in opposing comments.

His brain shuteth here,

Her brain shuteth never.

{ 11 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Errrr.... is this about the wife shopping excessively while the husband gets bored?

  2. Many couples can identify with this!
    God is enjoying the game, right Rio? ;)

  3. lovely lines :-)
    cheers, Archana -

  4. Nice touch - that electric chair!!

    1. Thanks Sloword, it is some antique chair at universal studios

  5. Bahuth soch samajh ke likhe ho Brio....hmmmm....BTW, you are really handsome and take care around :)

  6. Reading this after so many years I am thinking how I penned this and under what influence.


Feel free to pen your thoughts

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