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- Pagla Party
Posted by : RioZee
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Manifesto :
1) Scrapping all facilities of all politicians. They have to to get their renumeration from their followers. Their all properties will stand seized and schools will be opened in them.
2) In parliament every politician will be bringing own tiffin to eat. No freebies.
3) All taxations will be scrapped. All present tax officials have to teach poor students in the houses vacated by politicians.
4) Voluntary Swecchaa Daan of 10% of profits will be expected of all Indian citizens, to be deposited in "India Welfare Fund".
There will be no checking of accounts. It will be a voluntary affair. They can give more, but it will be their wish, no forcing.
5) All religious bodies will be allowed to practice their religion within the confinement of their personal homes. All processions or public show of religious grandeur will be treated as National disgrace and dealt with strong laws with an option to leave the country for their good or be hanged till death (their choice). All places of worship will be remodified to become Hospitals with free services to all citizens.
6) Logo will be the skeleton head of Trinasaurus and all volunteers can wear this type of face and start canvassing for the Pagla Party to come in power.
7) All Indian citizens will be given 10 days time to disclose their black money abroad and bring it back to India and employ it in rebuilding the nation. No questions will be asked. All their money. Anyone failing to do so, and later found out will be dealt according to the law of land. First will be their photographs pasted in all public urinal pots. Rest we can devise more laws.
8) All system of caste classification will stand scrapped and all titles of surnames will be considered just mere names. Merit will lead and all poor will be provided with best possible infrastructure to sharpen and spruce up their talents.
I, RioZee hold all rights to this Pagla Party.