Posted by : RioZee Monday, November 28, 2016

Ladies are very particular about their things. I think it is an inbuilt mechanism in their brains. If by chance one opens their wardrobe and closes it, without touching anything, they would know that wardrobe had been opened and start demanding clarifiacations. One should thank the Goverment that their one announcement made the once the hidden arena to open up and all wealth of hidden preservations came out into the open. Mind admires in awe and is in sheer admiration of their talent at acquisition and preservation.

Overheard a talk that was going on between a sophisticated Lady and her Mother in law in temple, "this towel is particularly God's bath towel." 

Yes, They are particular with their things aswell as God's things aswell. No messing there.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.

  2. Nice article. Yes i also think so that ladies want different towels for different work and it is the nice work too. Find the best Turkish Towels for different purpose at best price.

  3. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  4. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.


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