Posted by : RioZee Sunday, September 12, 2010

My mind dwelled upon the famous French proverb "If the young only knew; if the old only could."

First dilemma was "where do I stand" among the old, or among the young.  The prompt answer came, neither old nor young.  Just on the verge.
“The young and the restless.”  Young hearts, falling for, cherishing, revolting, to become runaway brides and grooms.  
The cunning, deceitful, always ever ready to make the best of the opportunity.
"Having children makes you no more` a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist."very rightly said by Michael Levine.

Parents unaware, busy with toiling hard work, to run the family, are caught unawares. Many times its true ‘love’ reciprocated but the aspirations of the family is ruined. There isn’t any analysis or study on the success or failure of young heart’s decisions. The agony of their beloved parents, dying enthusiasm  of  life. I remember Lord Mahavira, expressed desire to take sanyasa to his parents., They denied, saying, ‘not until we are alive.’ He waited and after their death, and permission of his eldor brother he took sanyasa.  For the old I do not wish to say much because I may have entered into their category too.   

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Well, yeah, you have entered into their category but I am certain, you could do something for a little different than the rest.. No matter how small it is, it is the seeking that counts.. :)

  2. thanks,for the patience to read it,

  3. yes we must make time for parenting-it is not automatic.


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