Posted by : RioZee Thursday, April 19, 2012

I was beginning to read the thoughts of my beloved Harley.

It’s undiminishing pleasures in seeing another Harley pass by. It could sit and talk to another one for hours at a stretch.

It would completely forget that I was it’s owner. I envied it, at having full control of my mind and body, and actually it was my sole owner, not me in true sense of the term.

Harley parked itself at a reserved parking space for a Harley, at a Pune Bar.

So many times I had told her, I have left beer, but It kept trying it’s stunts on me. 

There I was, in front of a bar, about to enter, just to show my Harley, I regarded her endeavor in full spirits.

Image courtesy 43blogtips

I entered the bar, to have coke and only coke. My attention was diverted by the loud talks at the table next to me.

“Captain, I can’t believe, you have just sent your wife to her mother’s place, and next second straight off, you are gulping the utmost atrocious beverages here.”

Captain, with calm serenity, “Fool, you will never understand ma bwaa,”

I had heard of Captain and Fool, a lot, but I will be meting them here, I hadn’t thought of it even.

I know suspense is killing, but it's destiny, I can't help it. will surely continue tomorrow. 

Friends, stay put, to witness more trysts into wilderness, where Harley is taking me. My adventure has begun. Courtesy Castrol contest at indiblogger

p.s. This all saga is pure imagination. any resemblance to anyone is at his own risk. I am not accountable.

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Wow! Cool one, PL. I am going to be a character here? Hope you win. I can at least be a character in a winning post.

  2. Thanks, @the fool,for the great wishes. we all will be meeting up in same castrol t shirt atleast.


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