Posted by : RioZee Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today is my concluding post of Tea Time Changes Sagas, and I am feeling a lot nostalgic. I am unable to thank enough, the constant source of inspiration, commenter friends at my blog. Special mention of The Fool, and Kajal, is needed here. I sincerely hope we will be sipping tea together, someday in near future.

I wish to assert here now, that we ought to keep on the efforts, howsoever small, in the direction of changes we feel utmost urgent to change. I remember a quote here, “who says. One cannot break a star with the stone, just throw the stone with full earnest, friends.”

The life is more than precious to be dumped away. I dread the careless consumption of junk fast foods, among kids as well as grownups is causing undue health hazards. I wish to draw attention of on and all towards more attention to health.

I have to keep myself fit, or if I am to visit a doctor, he would not only drain my money, but the excess intake of medicines, are bound to bring in more diseases. 

The alarm of Aids is not to be overlooked. The awareness efforts in this area too are needed to be launched with renewed vigor. Sex education, is considered a taboo, in India, but it’s need is all the more important than doing IIT.

I see a new sun rising in the horizon, with awakened souls, striving earnestly to change, with their full heart and soul.

I, heartily congratulate StayFree to have come up with such a novel idea of “Time to Change” concept. This pen down is due to the sole inspiration of their contest topic, at Indiblogger

Here is link of other Tea time posts
One     Two      Three    Four   Five   Six    Seven     Eight   Nine   Ten    Eleven    Twelve    Thirteen


{ 12 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Short but highly relevant post to conclude the series. When you come to Bangalore I do hope I can be there with you to sip tea.

  2. Thanks Anupama, and the fool, sure, tea awaits.

  3. Nicely written
    Well done dude..all the best.
    Also Check out mine.
    Are Hijra's(TransGender) not a Human being.?

  4. new to ur page and now have this strong urge to go through more that i have missed all this while.
    Thanks for not only sharing but also reminding that change happens from where it should happen...first from the self.:)

  5. Can't think of a more thoughtful way to raise a storm over a cuppa. You must have been, Mr Lohia, the role model the Coffee Day copy-writer must have had in mind when he/she thought of the Ad. catch-line you see in all Coffee Day outlets - 'A lot can happen over coffee'.

  6. Sorry Pramod ji, couldn't follow your series. Just able to visit your page now, would sure read and comment on your series... :)

  7. Thanks Punit, Welcome on board the ship called tea,


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