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- Orange Orange Everywhere
Posted by : RioZee
Monday, December 2, 2013
I, the orange freak, not the real fruit orange, but something real deadly, invigorating to the soul almighty, my dear friends, have embarked on the ship of Orange Breezers.
Fellow Comrade Orangers, awaiting my pitch in, with abated breath, cheering ang jeering, flashing the lively orange breezer bottles, as the deadline to sail, drew nearer by every passing second.
I, with a solemn calm, quiet smile, raised the benevolent toast, to grace our Orange lively, two percent spirit.
Here's to our Orange percent two,
Here's to all those chosen few,
Here's to all those missing new,
May Orange bless, no matter who.
With cheers our glasses brimming with orange breezer clattered, and with all the cheer in the hall, our ship left the port, dancing to the tune of the waves.
Friends may be thinking, why the Orange only.
Well, because it tastes better than the rest and passed all our tests with flying colors, by flying I mean we were literally flying after the precarius tests.
All those left out behind, who couldn't make it to our Orange challenge, all I can say is, "better luck next time."
Friends can visit this link to know more, http://www.breezerindia.com/
This post has been inspired by a contest at indiblogger.