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- The Power of youth eyes the WeChat Explosion
Posted by : RioZee
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Yes, I am the Youth and I am deranged, beleagured, and tattered in to bits and pieces.
It is a sad irony that my country was going to polls soon, to elect a healthy electorate, to govern my country, in to a more prosperous and strong nation, but the Youth with the immense power was yet to be shown their inherent strength in differentiating gems from chaffe and crown them by means of their valuable vote.
A lot needed to be done, and I, the youth, pondered over the means to reach each and every Youth, scattered all over India. Days of post offices etc. were long buried and now smart gadgets with latest innovative applications were striking my mind with their impeccable features.
I had to be very prudent in my choice as one mistake would cost heavily upon the nation and the dream of a strong nation would remain a dream.
I was testing the latest innovative WeChat app. among prudent Youth and first hand results were very astonishing, with no anamoly whatsoever. Decision delayed would all the more be damaging, so I unanimously passed the verdict to see WeChat installed on to every smartphone in India and our exuberant Youth making every possible use of it in every way. One uniform communicating platform was utterly the need of the hour and my first hurdle seemed to have been crossed with flying colors.
Every youth that I talked to was all the more excited at tasting the sense of power, to build the nation. One youth came up with a slogan #VoteForIndia, and I couldn't have thought of another better name, so, amongst the Youth with thundering applause, #VoteForIndia, echoed everywhere.
Some youth started pinging each other with the slogan and each and every youth was bursting with zeal to VoteForIndia.
The task was immense but a valuable start was made on this day, in the right direction, at the right time, my dear friends.
I, the youth, had done enough for the day, and with immense satisfaction, retired, in to sleep, to start afresh another day, with another new zeal.
Strong nation with stronger leaders beckoned.
This has been inspired by a contest at Indiblogger for WeChat. Here is the link, friends, http://www.wechat.com