Posted by : RioZee Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I actually used to read like hell. Those were the days of no facebook, no internet, and real indulgence in hobbies. I could be seen walking the busy roads of Kolkata with open book in hand completely engrossed in the writers plot laden with explicit expressions of smiles, frowns, dismay, exclamations, whatever the book writer stamped on the spur of my reads, completely ignoring the hastily running cars passing by me as I daringly crossed the roads mind completely in another world. Now when I think of it, mind just shivers at the mercy of the taxi drivers then, who saw that I passed scratch less.

This was just a prologue so that the reader gets to know what he can expect next in my upcoming encounter.

I was living this for real. I do not know what I was doing here floating in the sky like the ghosts do. Swaying my body was rising higher and higher up in the sky. I knew I had succeeded in leaving my body in the still of the night after rigorous attempts as Robert Boyle had instructed in his book "Journeys out of body and mind." I was living this dream for real and all the more my excited self was climbing higher up completely forgetting in excitement that I may get trapped by some pesky ghosts. My discreet self was enjoying the freedom just acquired.

What an unbelievable sight I was seeing. It was an amazing sight. Complete elegancy in the sky which no reader will believe when I narrate word to word what I saw, with no added adjectives.

I know many readers who have come up this far on my encounter are questioning my journey out of my body as a farce and impossible but who can stop me from telling my tale when the frenzied moving cars couldn't deter me from reading while crossing the road. So, try to digest whatever is coming next.

My illumined self knew very well  to avoid any sight of the buffalo and death god upon it, and no buffalos it was. Extraordinary scent was in the air and its magnetic spell was drawing me towards it in awe.

To be continued......., 

P.S. :Only if I feel my readers expressly take the pains to comment lavishly that they want to read what daunting saga ensued and the frightening lost trail back in to the body.

Pps: this post is inspired by indispire topic by Nandini Deka at indiblogger.

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Welcome back to IB Rio...nice post...waiting for the next

    1. Thanks Narasimha Sharma Veturi for the supporting comment.

  2. write next part...i believe thats possible...experienced quite a few weird things myself

    1. Thanks Nandini Deka, great topic which tempted me to write after a long time.


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