Posted by : RioZee
Monday, December 15, 2014
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I am a brand new Smart car. I am immaculately built for roads. My heart rejoices at sight of great roads. I get a pang in my heart when I see pits from afar. Rashly passing cars give me the jibes. Do they gain anything by these gimmicks. The other day only I somehow saved myself a scratch on my new door. Sometimes I feel I should not come out from my masters house. How earnestly I pray he take a metro ride and leave me alone to myself immersed in my thoughts in my beautiful garage. Once I happened to chat with a car at a red light. It looked deeply disturbed. I could sense deep anger in it's eyes. It said her master would get her killed as he was reckless and skipped red lights whenever possible. It's heart always skipped beats on his driving. I consoled her that I had heard of new invention which created a laser beam wall instead of read light and trespasser of it would be caught easily. She was amazed to hear of it and wanted to know more but lights had turned green and we moved on. I sometimes thought why the rush to overtake. We could stick to proper lane driving peacefully but no, some cars liked honking themselves out.
I want to say so much but I started way too late and I have to conclude my say fast enough. I wish to convey my message that we have weak heart so please do not scare the nuts out of them by rash driving. Our life is in your hands so drive responsibly if not for yourself, for us.
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